Friday, September 10, 2010

Short Assignment #1

In Michael Lemonick's article, "Honesty is Always the Best Policy", he brings us an ideas of being honest as a science-hournalism. He argues about the different purposes from the magazie publisher and a science-journalism.

Michael Lemonick claim about the differnt points of view of sending the messages to the reader. An widely readed maganize, like Time, aim to publish their copies to public, just simply focus on the general interests. They usually just breifty talks about the facts and the results. Lemonick thinks that the magazine publisher pays too much attention on the readers' interest, which causes the nature of journalism change all over the time.

From the article, Lemonick states out.

"Faced with increasing competition from blogs and other online news outlets, newspapers and magazines were starting to move in the direction of shorter, more sensational, and more user-friendly stories." Also, his thought is "In putting the story together, I had to figure out how to characterize global warming. It was tempting to proclaim impending doom, which would grab attention and sell magazines". He claim the magazine's publisher do not focuse on the detail but try to exaggerate the results to get audiences' attention. Instead, as an science-journalism, Lemonick tends to send out a more detail information to audiences, on demans a certain degree of latitude to represent the complexities of a particular feild.

Lemonick becomes an science-journalism was influenced by his physicist father, therefore, he has a great passion of being a science-journlism, and to convince the audiences about the imporatant of the science facts, to decribe how science actually works. In his article, he told audiences the reaon that he changed his job from a good wealthy job to a non-profit work in Climate Central, that he shows his passion of sending the right messages to auidences and being an honest journalism.

Lemonick has his own sense of judgement. He lives up to the organization's mission, tried to be clear that the underlying science of climate change is extremely solid, and the hand-wringing over "Climategate" and "Himalayagate". Focuse on the weaknesses prominence and mention, instead on the broader truth that climate change is real and potentially dangerous.

From Lemonick's article, the audience can feel his great passion of being a a science-journlaism and his strong ideas of the different points of views with the publishers thought his writing and experiences.

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