“The Green Apple” by David Biello is a scientific essay that states out the problems of the climate change with data, for example, flash floods flash floods, storms, droughts, and increasing temperature. The writer also pointed out the solutions that the U.S. government has been working on in some major metropolises.
Biello addressed the problems with the data provided in numbers, which can let readers to know how serious it is. For example, “Flash floods deposited more than 7000 kilograms of dirt and debris on tracks that stretch more than 1350 kilometers and carry 1.5 billion passengers annually”. Also, Biello mentioned the modeler’s prediction of the seriousness in the future, such as “NASA climate modeler Cynthia Rosenzweig, which predicts a 5 to 10 percent increase in the mean precipitation around New York City by 2080”, and “The panel predicts a temperature rise of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius from the current average temperature of degree C by 2100”.
In “The Arrangement of Scientific Paper”, Alan C. Gross has introduced Baconian Induction and the idea of deduction. In “The Green Apple”, Biello persuades readers to be aware of the climate changes by using the idea of deduction. Aforementioned, Biello gives a lot of example for the disasters and he used the word “predict” quite frequently to address more serious climate problems in the future. After he remarked the climate change impacts that causes catastrophes, he asked the question to the reader, “What can you do to prepare for that?” to enforce the reader to face the problems of global warming and force them to think deeply.